Wednesday 18 June 2014

finished animation

I started of by making a character  to do this I went on google and found a character creator page and that is what i used to create mine.
First i decided to make a female character, on this site I got to choose everything and change the colour.
This was my character.
On it i could also change the facial expressions and the angle she is stood which makes things a lot easier for me when I do my animation.

When I was trying to cut them out it didn't work properly so I then changed my animation to clay models, I created two models or dragon heads at this point I didn't know what I was going to do with them, in the end I though I would make it look as they were being built up from the ground as if they were been made. I did this by destroying them then reversing the frames so it looked like they were being built up. Once I have done this I put it into premier pro to add titles and music. This was my finished result.

Monday 16 June 2014

Editing in iMovie

Cut Out Animation

Cutout animation is a technique that is used when producing animations, this is done by using flat characters and props cut from materials like paper, card or fabric. In the modern days cut out animation can be done by using computers, this is done by sacnning images or creating vectore images that take the place of cut matierals.

This is one of the earliest known animated feature films that was filmed used cut out animations. It was made in Argentina by Qurino Cristiana.

In the modern days cut out animation can be done by using computers, this is done by sacnning images or creating vectore images that take the place of cut matierals. South Park is an example of this as it was created using paper cut outs but then the creaters swtcihed to computer animation.

Feature films that contain traditional cut out animation:

 This was produced by Lotte Reiniger in 1926, this is a silhoutte animations that was done by using paper cutouts.

This was produced by George Lucas in 1983, it made by usinga technque called 'Lumage' this was where he used prefrabricated cut out plastic pieces that the animator moved around on a light table.
Time lapse

What is Time-Lapse Photography?
This is well known technique that is used in cinematography. This captures a specific scene or object that has a slow state of change, this then is played back in high speed as a video.

How is it created?
Time lapse photography is created by capturing film frames at a lower speed that what it will be played back in the sequence as. Film is mainly shown at 24 frames/s, this is where 24 images will appear on the screen in one single second. The projection speed and recording speed are usually set to the same, the images will then look like they are moving at normal speed. If a film is recorded ar 12 frames/s then the images will appear to move twice as fast as what they would if they were captured at 24 frames/s.

History of Timelapse
Georges Melies was the first person to use time-lapse in a feature film, the feature film was called 'Carrefour De L'Opera it was filmed in 1897. It wasn't until 1909 when Jean Comandon established time-lapse photography of biological phenomena, she established this whils't in partnership with Pathe Freres. It was further established in the 1920s through a sequence of feaure films by Arnold Flack called 'Bergfilms'. 

Examples of Time-Lapse:

model based animation

Model animation examples

Wallace and Gromit


Bob the builder

This is where you use actual models to create your animation, it stared of with Willis O'Brien and was first used in "the lost world", it designed to merge with live action footage.


Pixilation is a different type of animation where instead of using images or clay models you use people instead. The person or object moves a little in each frame so that when you play so it looks like its a moving picture.

Cell based animation

Cell animation is a traditional form of animation commonly used in cartoons and animation, its where each frame is hand drawn and its normally 25 fps (frames per second), also these types of animation look flat not 3D. At the beginning of Disney this is what was used in a lot of films like Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the beast, Hannah Barbara also used this in a lot of her cartoons.
Here are some examples of cell animation.

Tom and Jerry

Scooby Doo

How does cell animation work?
in cell animation you keep the background separate to the characters and any other props, its normally drawn on clean plastic so you can see the previous drawing when drawing the next, most of the time it is 25 fps. It works because each images is only slightly different to last so when it is played faster it looks like a moving image this is also because of persistence of vision.