Thursday 12 June 2014


Animation first took of in the 1900's with its main founding farthers George Milies, Willis O'brian and Lotte Reiniger, I will be talking about these within this post because the were within this time period, (1900-1930).

George Milies

George Milies was a french illusionist in the late 1800's later on he became a film maker famous for doing things never seen on film before. He was great for special effects when he accidentally discovered the substitution stop trick in 1896, he was one of the first film makers to use this in his work. He was often in his own movies, later on in his life his studio was taken over for a hospital in the war almost all of his movies had been destroyed, in 1923 he was declared bankrupt until the late 1920's he made the first science fiction movie called "A Trip To The Moon" that is the video shown above it is recorded at 16 fps (Fames Per Second) . He is also one of the main founding fathers of early animation.

Willis O'brian

Willis O'brian was a special effects artist who also did stop motion animation from California. He worked on films such as "King Hong" in 1933 "The lost World" 1925 and "Mighty Joe Young" in 1949 for this he also won the first ever Oscar for special effects. These are considered as his greatest achievements.

Lotte Reiginer

Lotte Reiginer was a German animator who did silhouette cartoon animations based on shadow theatre, most of her work was short films and shadow plays for the BBC. She also made "The Adventures Of Prince Achmed" in 1926 which is one of the oldest surviving feature film.

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